Always try to use an end stall close to the wall. If you are accosted by security, one of you should feign sickness while the other was "helping out." Ask THEM to get a glass of water from the hotel bar for your sick friend. ...
It's really TGIF today because I am taking a bvacation/b day AND the sun is shining brightly on my old CT home! Nikita loves sunny, warm weather as much as my 2nd Husky, Nina, did. Kita has been out on "her deck" sunning herself and now she b....../b There is a filly in the bend stall/b and Jose kept warning me that she might bite - but once I let her know I respect her boundaries, she was fine. Jose said she's never taken carrots from people before...don't know if that was true, ...
meine stute verträgt sich gut mit anderen pferden. es wäre schön, wenn ich einen bendstall/b finden kann. aber wenn es erstmal nur eine fohlenwide für den sommer ist, ist es auch ok!! danke für die antworten. lg daniela.